Friday, August 28, 2009

#12 Learn how to manipulate the space-time continuum

Ok, so this one probably won't happen, at least in my lifetime, but I can dream right? I have way to many interests, hobbies, tangents, skills, etc. I am literally a jack of all trades, master of none. I know how to do a lot of things, but not necessarily well. I like to learn new things all the time and then run out of time or ways or energy or patience to finish them. If I could just stop time, bend it, make it last longer maybe I could finish something once in a while, or at least learn it a little better. Also, if I could travel through space, I could visit my friends and family that live so far away at a moment's notice. (Milwaukee, here I come!) Also, traveling back in time to visit my ancestors and see exactly what happened instead of all of this guessing all the time!

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