Friday, August 28, 2009

#12 Learn how to manipulate the space-time continuum

Ok, so this one probably won't happen, at least in my lifetime, but I can dream right? I have way to many interests, hobbies, tangents, skills, etc. I am literally a jack of all trades, master of none. I know how to do a lot of things, but not necessarily well. I like to learn new things all the time and then run out of time or ways or energy or patience to finish them. If I could just stop time, bend it, make it last longer maybe I could finish something once in a while, or at least learn it a little better. Also, if I could travel through space, I could visit my friends and family that live so far away at a moment's notice. (Milwaukee, here I come!) Also, traveling back in time to visit my ancestors and see exactly what happened instead of all of this guessing all the time!

#11 Become a Certified Genealogist

I've been "doing" genealogy for almost 10 years now... my how time flies. I've been speaking for much of that time and have really enjoyed the research, writing and speaking aspect of genealogy. I feel that my skills are up to the level where working at becoming certified genealogist would really hone my skills and bring them up to a higher level. Now, if only I had more time, or maybe its if I were managed my time better....